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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 6

Week Commencing 11th March 2019

In year 6 this week, we will be finishing off our Shakespeare biographies in our English lessons – we have learnt so much about Shakespeare and really love his plays!

In our maths, we will be finishing our measure topic with lots of reasoning and problem solving questions.

Both classes are still enjoying their book study books and working as hard as always on TT Rockstars!


Keep up the fantastic work Y6!

World Book Day 2019

Week Commencing 4th March 2019.

This week we have been looking in detail at Shakespeare’s plays; Mr West’s class have been looking at Macbeth whilst Miss Wardle’s class have been enjoying A Midsummer Nights Dream. There has been some fantastic work going on! You can watch the video below of one of our versions of A Midsummer Night's Dream.


In Maths, we’ve been looking at time and the importance of reasoning and problem solving with time in real life. Moving on to volume of shapes - our maths work is coming along well.


Both classes enjoyed learning lots about Europe on the geography day.

Y6FW - A Midsummer Night's Dream

Still image for this video

In Y6 this week, we have been working incredibly hard on our mock SATs – Mr West and Miss Wardle and very impressed with your results. There has been lots of hard work - well done Y6!


Performance Poetry Day!

Still image for this video
Well done to our year group team who performed 'Walking my iguana' by Brian Moses. Great teamwork!

Tapton School Science Visit: Heart Dissection

Our representation of the respiratory system!

Welcome to Year 6!


Miss Wardle, Miss Beer, Mrs Dooley and I would like to welcome you all back and we can't wait to take on this final year of your primary education with you! We will accompany you every step of the way as we go through, what will most likely be, a challenging year both academically and through the many changes you will experience growing up. With hard work, teamwork and a smile on our faces we will all smash our goals this year!


Here is some important information:

Our PE day is Tuesday.

Please make sure that your child has a full PE kit: Black/navy shorts, white/navy tee-shirt, pumps or trainers


Homework will be given out weekly. Reading records need to be returned to school daily so that we can fill them in when we listen to your children read. If your children reads three times at home they get to move on their journey 'Around the World'; they will also earn Dojo points.

Autumn 1

Welcome to Year 6 class page.
