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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Connecting with our Families

At Meynell Primary School the mental health and wellbeing of our community is fundamental to our ethos of Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve.


We have worked with Tapton School Academy Trust to develop information and resources to support understanding and provide support to families.


TSAT - Health and Wellbeing Support (

School Communication Channels


We want to work with all our families to ensure your children are happy and well educated.  If you have any concerns at all, please follow the steps below.  


Class teacher – this person is generally the person in school who knows the most about your child.  They are generally available first thing in the morning and after school at night.  If it seems a little busy at these times please don’t hesitate to ring the school office and they will endeavour to return your call and set up a meeting. Please be mindful that our first priority at the end of the day is to safely release children to parents.


Assistant Headteacher – if you feel that you still have a concern having spoken with your child’s class teacher then please do not hesitate to contact one of our Assistant Headteachers

Mr N Hope (Year 4, 5, 6) Mrs T Howell (Year 1, 2, 3) Mrs S Tewson (Nursery and FS2) Mrs G Smith (Inclusion Assistant Headteacher) are also available to speak with about your child’s learning.


OR – If it is a safeguarding, behaviour and attendance or SEND concern


Mrs Garratt is our designated safeguarding lead and Mrs Smith is the SENCO for years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Miss Hoban for Nursery, FS2 and year 1.  Mrs Oates or Mrs Holliday is available to speak to with regards to attendance and behaviour if you have a concern within one of these areas.


If you have a concern where a member of staff from the SENCO or Safeguarding team have been involved please do not hesitate to call and make an appointment to see and member of the SLT - Mr Hope, Mrs Howell, Mrs Tewson or Mrs Smith.



Headteacher– If you still have a concern then please ring the school office to make an appointment or discuss your concern with Mrs Garratt - Headteacher


The steps outlined above will address your concerns in a timely manner, with any concerns being dealt with by the right people.  Once again, can I reinforce the fact that we want to work in partnership with all parents and your children are at the centre of everything we do.


For Formal complaints, the Trust complaints procedure is available on the school website.

Thrive Family Course

We offer a six-week course to introduce you to the fundamentals of Thrive and how it works in practice.


Come on this course to find out about:

  • the Thrive Approach
  • how our brains develop
  • how your right brain talks to your left brain!
  • why play and creativity are so important to you and your child
  • how to support your child at times of change and difficulty
  • everyday trigger times and how to keep calm
  • how to be a behaviour detective.


Learn about the amazing growth of your child’s brain through childhood and help support their emotional development.


If you would like more information speak to Esmé Holliday. 


Families Connect



We also offer an 8-week Families Connect Course which is a fun and interactive course that gives you the opportunity to learn new skills together with your child. Families Connect builds on parents’ existing skills and knowledge, providing you with the confidence to support your child’s learning in the home.


Over eight weeks, you will discuss aspects of their children’s learning during informal workshops. You will be introduced to a series of adaptable activities, techniques and games that you can do with your children at home to support their children’s learning in three key areas:


Social and Emotional development

Literacy and Language development



If you would like more information please contact Catherine Oates. 

LPPA Award


We are proud to have been awarded the LPPA (Leading Parent Partnership Award) on two previous occasions.  The time has now come to for our re-accreditation.  We will know the outcome late March 2023.
