At Meynell, we aspire to help our children develop their use of computer technology through a range of learning experiences that are underpinned by our key intentions for learning in this subject, including:
• To equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital community.
• To understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves, as tools for learning, and as a means to aspire to go forward into the future.
• To understand how the growth of technology should be used to promote fairness and equality.
• To develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe and healthy online.
• To provide a computing curriculum that is designed to balance acquiring a broad and deep knowledge alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts.
• To understand the impact of technology on the planet and to develop their understanding in how technology can help conservation of the planet.
Much of children’s experiences with technology are now online. During Computing lessons we teach children how computers connect with each other in networks and how the internet and world wide web works.
At Meynell, we have chosen to follow the Kapow Primary scheme of work. This is designed with three strands which run throughout:
Computer science
Information technology
Digital literacy
The Kapow Primary scheme is organised into five key areas, creating a cyclical route through which pupils can develop their computing knowledge and skills by revisitng and building on previous learning:
The implementation of Kapow Primary Computing ensures a broad and balanced coverage on the National Curriculum requirements and the opportunity for our pupils to learn and apply skills. Units chosen allow links to other subjects such as science, art and music.
In Key stage 1 children use computers to create art, the internet to search for information and learn how to save and retrieve their work.
In Key stage 2 children work online using web based technology to alter digital content on the internet. Children will also ,through blogging and social media platforms, learn to communicate via email and video conferencing and share information through cloud storage.
Online Safety
Online Safety is of utmost importance and is reinforced throughout the curriculum.
At Meynell we teach online safety both discreetly and through other subjects. We believe children should be able to see both the positive and negative possibilities of technology in every aspect of life. Our goal is for children to be able to confidently use technology with a full awareness of how to:
- Stay safe when using technology at home and at school.
- Be aware of both the opportunities and the risks and dangers of using technology.
- Protect both their privacy and self image.
- Navigate relationships and communications.
- Protect their and other‘s copyright.
- Pupils know how to stay safe when using technology at school and home.
- Children understand the wider implications of their use of technology.
Online Safety for Families
Here are some tips for keeping your child safe online, when at home:
- Children to be online in a place where you can see. Have some ground rules.
- All tablets, laptops, phones etc. should be left downstairs overnight.
- Be involved with your child’s internet use. Have regular chats about online safety.
- Talk about not sharing personal information (name, address, location, passwords etc.) with anybody.
- Set Parental controls on your home broadband and all internet-enabled devices your child has access to.
- Activate safe search settings on sites like Google and Youtube.
- Play games offline in airplane mode so they do not make any accidental purchases or connect with someone they don’t know.
- Check online accounts are password protected. Set strong passwords.
- Check age ratings on games, apps, films and social networking sites.
- Talk about being careful about any images being sent and online communication. Is it appropriate?
- Make sure your child knows who to talk to if they are uncomfortable or upset by anything on the internet.
These are websites that have a lot more information on the above:
For Online Safety Newsletters for academic year 2022 - 2023, please see News and Events > Newsletters section of the website. Thank you.