Contact Details
Headteacher: Vikki Garratt
Chair of Governors: Andrew Hards
SENCO: Josie Hoban FS1, FS2, Year 1 - Gemma Smith Year 2 to Year 6
To contact any persons listed above, please use the enquiries e-mail below and state their name in the subject line.
Meynell Primary School
Tel: 0114 231 1425
For parent enquiries please use:
For general enquiries please use (Zoe Hill, HR & Office Manager):
For all up to date news, please follow us on Facebook or Twitter at:
@MeynellSchool. Facebook - Meynell Community Primary School
Our opening hours are
Main gates open at 8.35 - registers taken at 8.45
End of day - 15.15
Total hours in school 32.5 hours
FS2 - 8.40 - 3.10
Nursery - Please refer to your paperwork for sessions
Trust Details - TSAT - Home (
School's Owners
Registered Address
Tapton School Academy Trust
Darwin Lane
S10 5RG
Tel: 0114 267 1414
CEO: Lee Barber
Chair of Board of Trustees: Sarah Draper
Tapton School Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and an exempt charity: Registered in England: Company Number 07697171.