Year 5
Chalk Art
Viking Virtual Reality
Happy World Book Day from class 11
Class 11 had some great conversation when investigating where the Vikings fit in wider history.
This term we are reading....
NSPCC Number Day 2020!
Y5 taking part in DT day.
Book Study this term....
Class 12 have enjoyed reading 'The Dragon with the chocolate heart' by Stephanie Burgis this term. We loved the message behind Adventurine's transformation, which got us thinking about our own transformations. We then made our own clay dragon eyes and even turned the classroom into The Chocolate Heart cafe for the afternoon! We highly recommend this fast-paced, feisty adventure story.
The Moon Landing Debate
Discovering the phases of the moon.
Class 12's Creative homework
Investigating the distances of the planets from the sun.
Making Christingles.
Y5 supporting 'Christmas jumper day'.
Y5 have been learning about the journey of chocolate and we have looked into the work of The Fairtrade Foundation. At our parents learning exhibition we have raised £30 selling our products to help go towards tackling poverty, better working conditions and stopping child labour. Thank you to every one who donated and for coming to our exhibition. Well done Y5 for all your hard work!
Y5 Conservation project
We shared our geography learning through our parent exhibition.
Two of our year fives who were inspired by our learning. They made and delivered their own session on climate change.
We had fun writing our own rainforest tetractys poems as part of our conservation project.
Selecting maps for different purposes.
Revisiting our history skills on Decades Day
Getting practical as part of our Barvember work
Showing our respect for Remembrance Day
Class 11 have loved taking part in the national science project 'Swab and Send' in the hunt for new antibiotics.
As part of our participation in the 'Swab and Send' project we looked at how easily germs travel
Y5 worked hard today returning the seeds to their correct biome so they could grow successfully,
What exactly is a biome? Y5 can tell you!
As part of our learning about Diwalli, we learnt a celebration dance.
Just some of the water colour artwork our children have produced as part of publishing their Rainforest poetry
Finding the features by analysing their purpose has really helped us with our writing.
We have enjoyed publishing our research findings.
We have been practising using sources to understand history.
Using rounding skills to solve open ended investigations.
As part of black history month Y5 have looked at Rosa Parks and her impact on equality.
We made our own hieroglyphs to investigate Maya writing.
After developing a specification, conducting research, designing a product and going back and developing our designs, we really enjoyed making a chocolate product fit for a Maya god.
Tasting traditional Maya flavours led to some interesting reactions!
Designing a cloak for a Mayan priest
Please find further Maya information and ideas for fun things to do at home on Dr.Davies's website.
We were very lucky to have Dr.Davies work with us to support our learning. She spoke to teachers and designed the day around our learning needs.
Amazing Mayan homework
After learning about Pok-A-Tok and comparing it to sports in other times we had to have a go at playing!
It was great to get outside and look at where the Mayans fit into wider history. We made human timelines to begin to study chronology.
MISSION MAYAN: Escape room - We used our Mayan knowledge of key dates, places and figures to crack the code!
Jungle book
In Y5 we have been looking at Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.
We are writing at atmospheric story opener and have become explorers and taken our own trip to the Indian Jungle.
Y5 enjoyed consolidating their understanding of place value using concrete materials.
Miss Toulson, Miss Wood and Ms Howard would like to wish all of our new Y5s a warm welcome.
Key information:
PE will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for both classes.
Homework will be given out and collected back in on Tuesdays.
Reading cards and books have been given to the children.