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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 5

Romania day!

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Y5 trip to Western Park museum

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Some great learning on angles in Y5!

Y5 had a great day celebrating the royal wedding.

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Working together to solve maths puzzles - jotting on the tables where needed!

Making the most of our amazing outdoor space, Y5 took our learning outside!

Y5 Meynell Bake Off

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As part of our design and technology project we have taken part in a bread bake off.

Immersing ourselves in our Robin Hood story

Y5 science week - all about germs!

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Using the Zone of Relevance to improve our work

Lots of practical learning to further our understanding of fractions

Earth and Space

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In Y5 this term we have explored earth and space, it has been great fun and we have done some wonderful learning.

Y5 practicing our team work whilst finding factors.

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As part of our poetry topic we spent time learning and performing poems. It was really interesting to experience a type of text we don't read as often and lots of us have been picking up poetry books in the reading corner since.

Y5 had a wonderful time at Sheffield Hallam University working with Mind charity. We learned a lot about how to look after our own, and others, mental well being. We also discovered what is so great about further education and now most of Y5 are hoping to attend university!

CSI in Y5

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As part of Meynell Space Day, Y5 experienced life as astronauts!

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Wizard of Oz day!

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