Year 4
Week 2
In maths we have continued focusing on decimals. We have looked at tenths and hundredths more in depth and have converted between fractions and decimals, placed decimals on number lines and have looked problem solving and reasoning questions.
In English we have continued learning about Poetry and the different techniques used. We have really focused on the poem, 'Sound Collector'. We have undertaken a sound collecting walk around school, collecting sounds and have written our own versions of the poem using the nouns and onomatopoeic words collected on our walk.
We have started a new topic in D&T, Can we make a kite fly? So far we have learnt all about the history of kites; the structure of the them - the different parts of them and what each part does; the shapes of kites and the materials they are made out of.
Summer Term 1 - Week 1
Y4 have had a really great start to the Summer Term. All of the children have come back with a positive, learning attitude which is fantastic!
In maths we have started learning about decimals - tenths and hundredths and working out their fraction equivalent and looking at solving reasoning questions and problems that involved both decimals and fractions.
In English we have been learning about poetry; the different techniques that are used within them and the effect those techniques have. We are focusing on the technique of onomatopoeia and we will be writing our own version of the poem 'Sound Collector ' written by Roger McGough using this technique along with other techniques.
Guess how many sweets are in the jar and tub winners!
Week 5
This week Y4 have been doing tests in Maths, Reading and SPAG. They have had a positive attitude towards them and really tried hard in all tests.
In English we have completed writing, editing and improving our biographies on Benjamin Franklin. We have then written our published biographies for display.
We also had a visit from the 'Sheffield Buddhist Centre'. Our visitors led a whole school assembly and explained about the Buddhist faith; who they were; their beliefs; how and where they prayed and much more. We were then lucky enough to take part in a workshop where we were told a story about who Buddha was and how he became the man we was. We then drew some of the symbols and artefacts that are linked to their faith and what they use in their prayers. At the end of the session we all took part in the meditation - this was really lovely, peaceful and calm.
Buddhist Day.
Week 4
This week Year 4 have taken part in science week! We have look at the journey of a spark and how neurons send electrical messages through our body to our central nervous system. We then created our own neurons and built a year group nervous system!
We have been working really hard on our music performance and cannot wait to show our grown-ups what we have learnt on Friday!
Week 2
This week in English we have learnt how to punctuate speech correctly and have written our narratives based on the image of the Invisible man.
In maths we have started learning about equivalent fractions. We have had equipment out and have physically built fraction walls and have answered a range of questions using pictorial representations of fractions.
We have started our new topic in Science – Electricity.
Week 1
In maths we have been using pictorial representations to help us to divide. We have also been practising our arithmetic skills and have been adding using a formal written method.
In English we have started looking at narratives. We have gathered language to use within our writing and have written descriptive sentences based and have planned our story all in preparation for writing our own narratives based on the image - The Invisible Man.
Spring 2 Curriculum News
Fundraising for Castleton.
We have been selling raffle tickets as part of our fundraising initiative. We would like to thank you everyone who bought tickets from us as we raised £40.30.
Raffle Winner !
Week 4
In maths we have been investigating factors and factor pairs using our timetables knowledge. In English we have written our persuasive speech 'Battle Cry'. We have ensured that we have included a range of persuasive techniques that we have learnt over the past couple of weeks. We have continued learning about the Romans in our topic and have held a debate and discussion on how the Roman Empire affected different people. We also wrote in role looking at different character's viewpoint.
Class 10 have also held a parents assembly where they have shared a lot of their learning. Well done Class 10 you were fantastic!
Week 3
This week Y4 have started their History topic – The Romans. We have learn about the Roman Invasion of Britain and the rest of the World and have created timelines of the Roman History. We have also learnt about how the Romans first introduced roads to Britain, how they built them, the materials and methods they used and the impact they had on the day to day life of the Romans and on the people who lived in Britain.
We have also started looking at Mosaics in D&T. The Romans used Mosaics to decorate the inside of the most important buildings that they used as well as within their homes, if they were rich enough to do so.
In English we have been comparing persuasive speeches written by three different Chieftains/Leaders who used persuasive language techniques to convince their armies to go to war. We are doing this in order to magpie these techniques and use them within our own persuasive speeches.
We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported us in our fundraising bake sale. We raised a massive £117
Fundraising Bake Sale for Castleton Residential
Week 2
In English we have looked at persuasive techniques, the language and words used within motivational speeches. We have practiced the skill of using Dictionaries and Thesauruses in order to find the definitions of unfamiliar words as well as breaking words down and identifying the root word and the prefix or suffix used within a word.
In maths we have been applying the skill of multiplying three numbers. We have used both associative and commutative law as well as using partitioning and the inverse operations to check our working out.
We have also started fundraising towards our Castleton Residential by baking buns and holding a bake sale.
Week 1
Year 4 has settled back into school really well. This week, in Maths, we have been learning our 7, 11 and 12 times tables. We have also been using partitioning to help us in our Multiplying numbers. In English, we have been learning about the Tyrannoflax who is ruling our village! We have looked at persuasive techniques in preparation for writing a speech to persuade our fellow villagers to join us in battle against the Tyrannoflax!
In Book Study we have started reading new novels - Class 9 is reading the Butterfly Lion and Class 10 is reading Street Child.
Week 6
Y4 have had a very busy this week. We have been rehearsing daily in preparation for our Christmas Performance. We have also been busy making friendship bracelets to sell on our stall at the Christmas Fair: we have learnt how to plait; to thread beads onto elastic and to tie the ends off, which on elastic and wool has been extremely tricky. In English we have continued writing our Moral Story: Cry Wolf and in maths we have learnt about perimeter and how to work out the perimeter of a rectangle.
Week 5
This week Y4 have taken part in Decades day and have learnt about the 1980’s. We have also learnt about teeth in Science. We have compared human and animal teeth and have carried out an enquiry into what causes tooth decay. In maths we have started our learning on measurements and perimeter. In English we have started writing our version of the moral story: Crying Wolf.
Decades Day - 1980's

Week 4
In maths we have been focusing on our 3, 6 and 9 times-tables. We have been using the knowledge of each of these and the patterns and links between them and have been working through reasoning and problems solving questions.
In English we have been learning all about Moral Stories. We have been looking at the different features used within our story, we have been learning about direct speech and how to use punctuation correctly when including speech within our writing.
In Science we have been learning about the Digestive System. We have learnt about the different parts of it and what each part does, what they are responsible for.
Class 9 have presented their learning to their parents in their first Parent Assembly of them being in Y4. They did a fabulous job, well done!
Week 3
In maths we multiplied and divided by 10 and 100. We then put our skills in to practise by solving a range of word problems, using our reasoning skills. In English we completed our writing and have published our narratives based on the story Elf Road. We started our new Science topic – What happens to the food we eat? We are learning about our digestive systems.
Dressing up for Children in Need.

Week 2
In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10 and by 100. In English we have started writing our portal stories. We have been consolidating our learning on using descriptive language and speech correctly. We have continued reading our class novels and have been focusing on developing our retrieval and inference skills.
Multiplying by 100
Week 1
In Y4 we have got off to a fabulous start! In English are developing our talk for writing and are consolidating our learning of using expanded noun phrases within our writing. In maths we have been focusing on subtraction; developing our skills of subtracting with and without exchanging and regrouping. We have also applied our subtraction skills to solving reasoning problems. In book study we have continued reading our class noels: How to Train Your dragon and Billionaire Boy. Swimming lessons are continuing to go well and our children are developing their water safety skills each week.
Art Day. The artist we learnt about was Kid Acne.
Remembrance Day
Autumn 2 Curriculum News
Week 7
This week in year 4 we have been using our investigation skills to research what living things we have in our school grounds. In maths, we have been learning about negative numbers and applying our new knowledge to help us solve a problem. Finally, in English we have been creating a bank of expanded noun phrases to help us with our descriptive writing next week.
In music we have started to learn how to play the Cornet. We have learnt about buzzing lips and what we need to do to make a sound from the instrument. We have also gone over the ground rules of how to use our instrument correctly: how to hold it, how to put it away and about being respectful towards each other whilst playing our instruments.
Where can we find the most organisms on our school grounds?
Week 6
Science Week - The Planets in our Solar System.
Week 5
We have started writing our information texts this week on Sheffield City Centre. We have focused on the theatres, galleries and gardens that we can visit freely. In maths we have looked at greater than, less than and same as and have ordered numbers in both ascending and descending order according to their values. In Science we have started classifying organisms using a classification key.
Week 4
We have started our learning in Science and have learnt that all living organisms have 7 life processes – MRS NERG. In English we starting to develop our understanding of Information texts – what they are, the features they include and the language that is used within them. Next we are going to write an information text on the city of Sheffield; we will including some of the things that we learnt about our city from the trip that we went on last week. In maths we are learning about place value and partitioning numbers into their values. We started our music lessons last week – The Sheffield Music Hub come into school each Friday and they are going to teach us how to play the Cornet.
Week 3
Our Topic: Why is Sheffield such a cool place to live? got off to a flying start when we went on our field trip to Sheffield City Centre on Wednesday. We learnt about the history of some our buildings: Lyceum, City hall, Town hall, City Library and a few others. We also visited the Millennium Gallery, Winter Gardens and Graves Art Gallery where we saw lots of wonderful things. In the Millennium Gallery we learnt more about one of the artists that we have been learning about in our art topic –John Ruskin. We ended our day by splashing in the fountains in the Peace Gardens.
In English we have completed writing our version of the Pied Piper, applying all the skills that we have been learning over the past three weeks.
Week 2
This week we have been continuing to learn our story: The Pied Piper of Hamlin through actions and images. We have also been analysing the text and looking at the key features and the use of word types used to create detail and description.
In maths we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 and have been using our knowledge of this by applying it to real life problems.
In art we are looking at Famous Sheffield artists, such as Pete McKee. We have used ICT to research them and have compared their work both in style and in materials used.
Mrs Holmes, Miss Gibbens and Mrs Booth would like to welcome everyone to Y4.
Here is some important information:
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday mornings for class 10. Wednesday mornings for class 9.
Swimming lessons are Mondays afternoons for both classes.
Please make sure that your child has a full PE kit: Black/navy shorts, white/navy tee-shirt, pumps or trainers.
We are going on our visit to Sheffield City Centre on Wednesday 19th September as part of out topic learning.
Your child will need:
- a packed lunch, including a bottle of water
- change of clothes for when we paddle in the water fountains in the Peace Gardens - shorts and tee-shirt and a small towel to dry themselves
- a hands-free bag to carry their things in
Homework will be given out weekly. Reading records need to be returned to school daily so that we can fill them in when we listen to your children read. If your children reads twice at home they get to move on their journey 'Around the World'; they will also earn Dojo points.