Year 4
Recreating the digestive system in class 10
How do your taste buds taste? Y4 investigate...
Y4 investigated the effects of different drinks on tooth enamel
We had an amazing art day!
World Book Day
We are so grateful to Caden's family who gave us these rainy day games! Thank you!
In maths and english we have really worked hard on our team work, we have been supporting each other and investigating together!
Our visit from the Buddhists
Roman shields and catapults!
Being Victorians...
As part of our learning around electricity we made safety booklets
Class 10 loved visiting the Science Exhibition!
Working Scientifically Week
We used our knowledge about electricity to make predictions, choose equipment, design a method and finally evaluate our test.
In Y4 this term we have been learning about electricity!
Y4 were stranded on a desert island!
Don't forget - we also update our twitter account regularly with all our wonderful learning!
You can find us at: