Year 4
Y4 Curriculum newsletter - A bit about what we're up to.
What did children do after school 100 years ago? We're finding out!
Problem solving - Terrific team work!

Here is the latest newsletter, which tells you all about what year 4 are learning this term.
Year 4 are learning about natural habitats. Here we are investigating our local environment!

Here is our latest newsletter
Homework due in 23.10.15. Homework should be completed in pupil's purple homework book.
Y4 Roman Artefacts.

A huge welcome to all our new Y4s; we are looking forward to brilliant year.
We are beginning this year looking at the Romans and trying to answer the question:
Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?
So many things were invented or discovered in the Roman Empire, and when the Roman army rocked up on the shores of Britain, they left a lot of things behind that changed our country forever. We are going to be putting on our detective hats and finding out what these were!
There are also many other exiciting activities and opportunities coming up over the next year.
In Y4 we are lucky enough to learn a musical instrument for the whole year and this year we will be learning to play the ukulele. For the next 18 weeks we will also have swimming lessons every Friday, so please remember to bring costumes! Lastly, there is a fantastic opportunity to stay in Castleton for the Y4 residential, which is always a fantastic couple of days. More information on this is to follow.
Mr Baker, Mr Fenn, Mrs Harrison and Mr Celik