Year 3
It was so much fun learning an Irish Dance!
Cultural Days! Year 3 have absolutely loved learning all about Ireland this week. We have tried Irish Dancing, learnt Irish songs, looked at the geography of the country and learnt all about St Patrick's Day.
Week 5
Year 3 are writing their diaries this week, we are writing from Ug's point of view and thinking about how he feels living in the Stone Age. In Discovery, we are using our history knowledge of early humans to debate which humans we think were the most successful in there time: Homo Erectus, Homo Habilis or Homo Sapiens.
Week 3
This week year 3 are concentrating on writing their instructions for 'How to survive in The Stone Age'. We are using all the skills we learnt on our trip last week and combining this with our literacy skills. To write our instructions we will use imperative verbs, causal conjunctions and time conjunctions. In maths, we are continuing our learning of fractions and are starting to look at finding 1/10 of shapes.
Class 8 are busy preparing their class assembly ready for Thursday.
Creswell Crags! Year 3 had a fantastic day discovering all about the life of cave men in the Stone Age. We build shelters, learnt how cavemen made fire and became archaeologists trying to piece together animal bones.
Summer 1- Week 1
Year 3 are looking forward to starting their new topic of The Stone Age. We will use our research skills in history to find out what people lived in the Stone Age, how they survived and discover the tools they created. We will start reading our new class text 'The Stone Age Boy' and find out how the boy feels when he arrives in a stone age cave. In maths, we are finishing our learning on measure and finding the perimeter of shapes.
Year 3 this week and looking at famous artists from Mediterranean countries thinking about their style and discussing our opinion about their art. They will then have a go at recreating their own piece of art in the style of Pablo Picasso. In maths, we are continuing our learning on length concentrating on converting between different units of measure. Take a look at this artwork by Picasso. What do you think about it?
Week 4
This week is 'Science Week' so Year 3 are investigating the Journey of a Germ. We are looking at how Germs spread and how we can stop them spread. In English we are writing our non-chronological report all about Greece and in maths we are starting our learning about measure.
Week 3
This week year 3 will be starting to our non-chronological reports all about Greece. We are continuing our learning in maths about money, learning to find change. In book study, we are finding our more about the Iron Man.
Class 7 are busy practising our assembly for Thursday!
We had a great day today learning all about Modern Day Greece. We had delicious food from Greedy Greek, we learnt how to count in Greek and had a go at a traditional Greek dance!
Week 2
Year 3 have an exciting week this week. On Tuesday we researched South America for 'Our World Day' the children looked at the Amazon Rainforest, Amazon River and the Atacama Desert. On Wednesday, we had a visit from 'Greedy Greek' who brought lots of delicious Greek food for us to try, taught us some phrases in the Greek language and we had a go at a tradition Greek dance.
Spring 2- Week 1
This week year 3 are beginning to look at statistics in maths, reading bar charts to find information. In book study, we are starting our new book, The Iron Man, about a robot who appears from nowhere and crashes on a beach. We are also starting our new topic of 'Why do people visit the Mediterranean?' by becoming geographers and looking at maps.
Year 3 have a new section in their book corner! Why not ask your child what they think about the books they have read at school. Did they enjoy it? Would they recommend it to a friend?
Week 6
In our final week of term, Year 3 have an exciting week this week. We are decorating biscuits to raise some money for our school visit from 'Greeky Greek' restaurant next half-term. We are also making our pop-up cards! These bring to life the Greek Legend of Theseus and the Minotaur and we will be sharing them with children around school. In book study, we are coming to the end of our book about Greek Myths which the children have really enjoyed. We will be using our inference skills to discuss why the characters feel and act how they do.
Light Day- Today we have done some investigations into reflections and shadows!
Class 7 had some great ideas for the actions to our retelling of Theseus and the Minotaur! Can you guess what they mean?
Week 5
This week year 3 have finished writing our Theseus and Minotaur story and in Design and Technology we have started planning our pop-up card we are going to make next week. In maths, we have started learning about statistics, looking at pictograms. In history, we have been comparing how similar and different we are to the Ancient Greek, thinking about food, clothes and government.
Week 4
Year 3 starting to write our story of Theseus and the Minotaur. We are concentrating on innovating our actions to make the story our own. In maths, we are using our method we learnt last week of dividing two-digit by one-digit numbers to solve word problems and reasoning questions. In discovery, we have researched Ancient Greek clothing and food and are doing a piece of writing to compare what is similar and different about then and now.
Week 3
In English, year 3 are looking at our next Greek Myth: Theseus and the Minotaur. We are exploring what makes a good myth and using drama to create vocabulary we will use to help us write the story. In maths, we are moving onto division where we will practice grouping numbers using practical methods. Class 8 will be practising their class assembly ready for Thursday. On Monday, we enjoyed our Poetry morning, where children had the opportunity to discuss and perform a poem to the class. The winning group will be performing in The P Factor in assembly on Friday.
Week 2
Year 3 have started writing our Greek myth story looking at using subordinating conjunctions and direct speech. We are continuing our multiplication learning in maths concentrating on two digit numbers with exchange using practical methods or column multiplication. In discovery, we have been researching Greek Gods such as Zeus. Athena, Hades, Poseidon and Ares. We have been gathering information for the children to create an informative poster. Class 7 have also been preparing our class assembly on Thursday.
Week 1
This week year 3 are starting our topic on Ancient Greeks. We are retelling the Greek myth of King Midas and the golden touch and looking in history at who the Ancient Greeks were. In maths, we are continuing our learning on multiplication moving onto to multiplying two-digit and one digit numbers together.
Curriculum News-Spring 1
Miss Ellis, Miss Akhtar and Miss Harrison
would like to welcome you to Y3.
Here is some important information you will need:
Class 7 and 8 have P.E on Tuesdays and Fridays every week - This term they will be doing football and gymnastics.
Please make sure your child a P.E kit: Black/navy shorts, white/navy t-shirt, pumps or trainers.
Homework will be given out every Friday. This will need to be returned by Wednesday the following week.
Reading records will be checking at school daily and children will move 'Around the world' if they read three times at home. The more they move, the more prizes they can earn!