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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 2

Plastic Ocean

As part of our Plastic Ocean topic this term Y2 have been learning about the plastic pollution problem and thinking about the different ways we can recycle, re-use, reduce and refuse single-use plastics. As a school we have collected plastic bottle tops that might have otherwise ended up in our environment. Bottle caps pose a significant environmental hazard as they are small enough to be ingested by wildlife and also break down into micro plastics. We have created our own plastic bottle top mosaic artwork. 


We also designed our own Tote bags and sold these at the Meynell Summer Fayre, raising £100 for the marine conservation charity Sea Shepherd. 

A huge well done to Y2 for their hard work and dedication towards making a difference! J

Chatterbooks Reading Club

Y2's Bake Sale!

Y2 would like to say a huge thank you to everyone for supporting our charity bake sale last week. We raised an incredible £90.45 for Macmillan Cancer support. 

Cultural day: Africa

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Easter Bonnet Parade

Everyone had a great time showing off their Easter Bonnets to family and friends at the Easter Bonnet Parade.


Happy Easter!

Buddhism Day

Investigating separating materials

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We had a fantastic afternoon learning all about separating materials. We found out that when some materials are mixed together, it is possible to separate the mixture and get the original materials back again.  

We used a funnel and filter paper to separate the water and sand. The second part of the challenge was a bit more tricky; how could we separate the salt and the water? We decided to leave our solutions on the windowsill for the next few weeks and report our findings. What do you think will happen? Do you have any predictions?

We found out that when the sun heats up the water (a liquid)  it turns into water vapor (a gas). This is called evaporation. Examples of evaporation happen around us all the time - puddles 'disappear' on a hot day, wet clothes dry when outside in the sun and hand dryers after washing our hands. Can you think of any more examples of evaporation? 


Next term....

Year 2 will boldly go where no one has gone before....


Our new learning challenge will be ‘Who is Neil Armstrong and why was he brave?’


We will be finding out all about Neil Armstrong and asking why he is a significant person in History. We will find out all about his life and his achievements and thinking about his bravery.  


We will also be reading some fantastic Space books such as ‘Man on the Moon’ by Simon Bartram and imagining what it would be like to be an astronaut.


Today we made a furry friend...

04.02.19 - ROAD SAFETY

We learnt all about Road Safety today.  How to cross the road safely, what the different types of crossings are and the importance of wearing a seatbelt!

Aliens have landed!

Thank you for all the amazing aliens that landed in year 2 this week. We have really enjoyed seeing your creations. Some of them are even wearing their favourite underpants!

Christmas Craft Workshop 11.12.18

Our KS1 Christmas workshop was a great success.  Families came in and made different crafts in the KS1 classrooms.  We think the parents and grandparents may have been having more fun than some of the children!!

Decades Day 04/12/18

Decades day was great fun this year!


In Year 2 we learned all about the 1990's, children came dressed in a 90's style and we discovered many different events that happened in the 90's such as Dolly The Sheep the first cloned animal and Operation Desert Storm.

We also learned about popular culture in the 90's and tried our hand and drawing our own Simpsons cartoon characters!  As well as learning many popular 90's dances including the Macarena!



Our topic this term is 'The Great Fire of London'. As part of this topic we will be learning about fire safety, investigating materials and designing and making Tudor houses. 

Today Year 2 created their own art inspired by local Sheffield artist, Nick Deakin. The children enjoyed creating a final piece that showed the things most important to them.

Art Day - 8/11/18

Watch out for Miss Minchin!

Y2's Science Week

Thank you to everyone who came to see the Y2's Science exhibition last week. 

Y2's Talk for Writing - Class Assembly

We are happy to announce that it is Class 5's Talk for Writing assembly on Thursday 4th October. Can you guess what it will be about from the clues above? We hope to see you all there! 
This week in Year 2 we have begun to explore traditional tales and learn the story of Cinderella. We can't wait to have fun reinventing these commonly known stories!
In Maths we have been learning about odds and evens and number sequences.
In our Science lessons we are continuing to learn about How we can become more like Jessica Ennis and how to be healthy and active!

Can we twist a fairytale?

Welcome to Year 2! We hope that you have had a lovely summer and are now ready to start the new school year.

We are looking forward to getting to know you and working together so that we have a very exciting and productive year. We hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 2 has to offer!

Please remember we are always on hand to listen to any worries or concerns.

Mrs Thorp, Miss Wood and Miss Norris


Some important information:

PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesday for Class 5 and Monday and Wednesday for Class 6.

Homework will be given weekly. Year 2 offer a prize for the best homework of the week.

Reading records need to be returned to school daily so that your child can earn their ‘Read around the world points’ and earn Dojos.
