Year 2
Hello Y2!
Y2 had so much fun in Jigsaw this week designing their very own dream birds. They worked so hard and took so much care whilst creating them. What fantastic imaginations Y2 have! In our next lesson we will be working together in groups to create dream birds as a team, using ideas from all of our fantastic creations!
Miss Park & Miss Norris
Hello everyone!
What a fantastic week of learning we have had today! Here's a peek at our proud wall in class 5...look at all that wonderful work!!
Look at some of Class 5's fantastic facts about whales!
In class 6 the children have done some amazing maths...
Well done everyone! Keep it up!!
Miss Park, Miss Norris, Mrs Scanlon and Miss Bembrick
Hello everyone,
Here is this terms curriculum news!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone!
What a jam packed week of learning we have had! Well done to each and every one of you for always trying your best and and never giving up!
In maths we learnt all about fact families!
In English we learnt about nouns and adjectives. If you could see all the terrific examples Class 5 and 6 came up with your socks would be blown off...however Miss Park and Miss Norris were silly billies, and totally forgot to snap up some pictures!
Luckily they stuck in our brains because they were that fantastic and we can remember them! Here are just a few...hold onto your socks folks, because they're amazing!
Nouns - box, bag, Miss Park, Miss Norris, whiteboard, pen, socks, chair, table, ball, trophy!
Adjectives - smooth, bumpy, sticky, spiky, rubbery, prickly, squishy, soft, tiny, gigantic!
We can't wait to see what amazing work you all get up to next week! As always, there is lots in store! Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all again soon!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone,
This week in Jigsaw we have been noticing each other making good choices and following our charter! We have so many Meynell stars in Y2 that it was impossible to share everyones work, so here are just a few for you to take a sneak peek at!
We have also been learning about what makes us similar and different...
What brilliant work Y2! Keep on being Meynell stars!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone,
We just wanted to say a BIG welcome back to each of you and say how much we missed you!
We hope that you all have had a wonderful half term holiday. From everything you've told us today it sounds like lots of you did! We've got another super term of jam-packed learning in store for you all and we can't wait to get stuck in...
What a brilliant first day back we have had, well done, Y2. This week we will be learning about nouns and adjectives in English and fact families in Maths! As always, we can't wait to share some of the fantastic learning we do, later on in the week!
Speak soon Y2 and keep up the amazing work!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone!
Here are some more pictures of our fantastic DT lessons this week! We've had so much fun learning how to build houses!
We've worked so hard building our Tudor houses and we can't wait to show the finish product!
Keep up the wonderful work Y2!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone!
We've had so much fun in school this week already and it's only Wednesday! We've begun building our Tudor houses, we've been practising counting in 5's and we've collected some amazing vocabulary to use in our fire poems!
Don't worry, we made sure that we were wearing all the correct protective gear to make sure we we're kept safe whilst sawing our wood!
We drew around each other's hands to practice counting in 5's!
Look at our amazing sentences we created using our fantastic vocabulary!
Keep up the amazing work Y2!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone!
We hope that you have all enjoyed your weekend and are ready for another fantastic week! Be sure to get a good night's sleep because this week really is jam packed full of goodness!
In Design and Technology we will be building our very own houses, just like the ones from The Great Fire of London! Eek, how exciting!! In English we will be writing our very own fire poems and in Maths we're going to be counting in 5's and 10's!
We hope you're looking forward to it as much as we are
See you soon Y2,
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
P.s Don't forget to bring your phonics folders too, please!
Hello everyone!
This week we practiced counting in 2's! We had lots of fun hanging pairs of socks on a washing line to help us!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
A big thank you to all of you who have remembered to bring your phonics folders in with you each day. A gentle reminder that it's super important to bring your phonics and reading books to school each day, so that grown-ups are able to read with you and keep helping you learn!
Miss Park & Miss Norris
Hello everyone!
We had lots of fun today carrying out our scientific experiment. We have been looking at how we can change the shape of different materials. We investigated this by firstly choosing a range of materials: paperclips, elastic bands, paper, wood and plastic. Then we tested each material by twisting, stretching, squashing and bending. We recorded our results as a team to see which materials could change their shape and which couldn't!
What an exciting way to spend our Friday afternoon!
Great team work Y2!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon
Hello everyone!
Last week we had so much fun re-creating The Great Fire of London! We thought we'd share some pictures of what we saw!
The houses were made from cardboard because it burns easily like wood! We crowded them together just like the houses were in 1666 and we set fire to them. We pretended that the fire was started by Thomas Farriner, who forgot to turn the oven off!
We sang "London's burning!" as we watched the fire spread quickly because of the strong wind and hot sun. We spoke about how the fire also spread at speed because of the materials the houses were made of. Just like after The Great Fire of London, all that was left of our houses was ash, rubble and mess!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Miss Scanlon
Hello everyone!
Myself and Miss Norris wanted to share the fabulous learning that the children have done so far this week.
In Discovery, we have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. In class we had lots of fun re-enacting the fire starting on Pudding Lane, escaping on the river Thames in boats and feeling upset as we watched St Paul's Cathedral burn! We then had a go at putting the sequence of events in chronological order!
In maths we have been practising place value. Class 5 and 6 have been working super hard on using tens and ones to partition whole numbers!
Here is our curriculum news!
Hello everyone!
Myself, Miss Norris and Mrs Scanlon just wanted to say a HUGE well done to each and everyone of you for your first two weeks in Y2. We are all SO impressed with how well you have all settled into your new classes and classrooms!
You should all be very proud of yourselves, as we know that it might have been a little bit nerve wracking leaving Y1! We can't wait to start sharing all the wonderful work you have been doing at school and we promise it won't be long until we do...
But for now, another HUMUNGOUS thumbs up!
Miss Park, Miss Norris & Mrs Scanlon