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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 2

Here is what we will be learning in Y2 over the half - term.

RWI Videos


Please use the link below to acces a phonics lesson linked to your childs colour group.

The lessons are as follows: 


  • Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time and Spelling
  • Set 2 Speed Sounds and Spelling
  • Set 3 Speed Sounds and Spelling
  • Read longer words
  • Read Red Words 1: for children who are reading Red, Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. 
  • Read Red Words 2: for children who are reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. 
  • Read and Hold a Sentence 1: reading and writing practice for children reading Green, Purple, Pink and Orange Read Write Inc. Storybooks. 
  • Read and Hold a Sentence 2: reading and writing practice for children reading Yellow, Blue and Grey Read Write Inc. Storybooks. 

Home Learning Booklet 04.01.21

Monday - Maths


Have a go at these addition and subtraction questions. Remember to draw yourself a place value chart to help you answer the questions.


Place value chart example









27 - 13 =

24 - 17 =

35 + 12 =

38 + 14=

42 – 11 =

45 + 14 =

53 – 15=

57 + 16 =

62 – 18 =

Monday - Read, Write Inc

Use the links below to access our virtual classroom, recap the single letter sound 'qu' and the special friends 'ay' 

Learn our set 3 sound of the day 'ea' 


Happy reading!

Monday - English - Character Description

Good morning Year 2!


For todays English lesson we would like you to choose one of the aliens from the attached document and write a description about it.  We would like you to use expanded noun phrases to describe what the alien looks like, smells like, feels like and sounds like.  Remember to use the expanded noun phrase:


The adjective, adjective, noun.


For example: The green, slimy alien smelt of pungent, rancid, rotten eggs.


Don't forget your Capital letters, Full stops and Finger spaces.


As a challenge you could include what you think the alien might be thinking, might do or might say.



We have really enjoyed creating our firework pictures!

Homework Award! This homework was created over the half term and has really impressed us!

Here is what Y2 will be learning this half term!

We have had such a fantastic afternoon! We visited a Great Fire of London museum in the hall this afternoon. We were able to look at a range of artefacts and guessed what they could have been used for. We then sketched some of them in our sketch books.

Today we have written the story of The Great Fire of London. We then tea stained it to make it look authentic!

We have been counting objects and matching quantity to numeral! Well done everyone!

Today we created art work in the style of Franz Marc to show pictures from The Great Fire of London.

We have enjoyed creating a collage that recreated the scenes of the houses from The Great Fire of London!

Today we have created our own physical timeline to show the events of what happened in The Great Fire of London.

Today in Maths we have been using the more than, less than and equal symbols to compare numbers. We have drawn the amount and have used our Maths talk to complete sentence stems.

We have started our Great Fire of London topic by finding out where London is. We have used Google Earth to find out where we live and where London is! We talked about different places we have been in England. Then we drew our own map and labelled London!

In Maths we have been learning about the place value of numbers by practically finding how many tens and ones there are in each number. We have shown this on our whole-part grids.

Here is a reminder of our Rocket Spelling words!

Welcome to Year 2! Here is some information about what will be learning about this half term.
