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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 1

Our topic next half-term is 'What has changed since out Grandparents were young'. We are really looking forward to this topic and welcome support from any grandparents at home who would like to share their experiences! This could be through photos, newspaper clippings, memorabilia or even a chat with the children! Let us know if you are willing to help! Thank you!

In Year 1 we have baked some yummy buns!

Miss Gray's Nannan and Grandad came to visit us!

We played an apple game!

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When Miss Gray's Nannan and Grandad came into school they showed us some new games.

This half term we have enjoyed doubling and halving numbers! Look at how we did it!

We have been mixing colours and using them appropriately to create our self-portraits! Look how well we have done!

We have enjoyed using the Ipads! We have been working on an app called JrScratch and have learned how to move Scratch around the screen!

In art we have made photo frames for our self portraits.

In Science we sorted Materials.

Our class play - Monkey See Monkey Do.

We used instruments to sing along to I Hear Thunder 2.

In maths we have learnt about tens and units.

Sunflower art.


It is a legal requirement for your child to do 2 sessions of P.E a week. To ensure we can meet this requirement can you please bring your child's P.E kit into school.

P.E day's are;

Y1SG - Tuesday - Indoor

             Wednesday - Indoor.

Y1JR - Monday - Outdoors.

            Friday - Indoor.

We have learnt how to hotseat a character.

This term we have learnt about shapes.

Spring Newsletter.

The Bear went over the mountain.

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During our Music lessons we have been learning a new song called The Bear went over the mountain.

Day's of the week.

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Month of the year.

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We have been getting ready for Christmas! We learnt the story of the nativity and supported the Year 2 performance with our songs. We also had a visit from the innkeeper who answered our questions about what it was like the night that Mary and Joseph visited.


As well as our nativity story, we decorated the room and dressed up in Christmas jumpers and party clothes, as well as enjoying a visit from Santa Claus and our end of term party together.



We dressed up for Children In Need. Y1SG raised £21.00

Remembrance day.

We made some porridge. It was YUMMY!

We have had an exciting week! We found bear footprints in our classroom!

Bear foot prints in Y1

We dressed up as the bear! We have sharp claws and brown furr!

We made WARNING posters to alert the other children in school.

We went on a hunt for bears.

We enjoyed reading books about bears.

We made some bear traps!

Y1 newsletter

We have been reading The Magic Porridge Pot this week in literacy.


Mrs Foulds showed us a magic pot. We all said ABRACADABRA and look what happened.....

We all made our own magic pots and we thought about what magic words we would need to make them work!

We had fun on sports day!

On Monday 9th June, a pirate came to visit the Year 1 classes at Meynell! She showed us lots of pirate artefacts and we had great fun drawing them, then guessing what they were used for. We even made our own pirate map!

Our World Book Day.

Spring 2 newsletter

Y1 January Newsletter

Christmas Time
