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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve

Year 1

Here is the homework for the Summer term. Any questions,please ask.

Here is what we will be learning in Summer 1!

Curriculum News - Spring 2

As part of our geography topic: ‘Can we measure the weather’ we have been dressing appropriately for the season!

We have had an art day to celebrate our work on The three little pigs! We have made puppets and have created a collage of the three little pig’s houses! We then worked with our friends to act out the story!

We’re going on a shape hunt!

Lots of counting and number work this week in Year 1!

We have been in theICT suite today! We have been learning to log onto the computers!

Mr Grey's class have won the attendance bear! Well done!

What we will be learning this half term!

We love Maths!
