Wider Curriculum
To celebrate space week, each year group was given an aspect of space to investigate. We then set up an exhibition in the hall displaying our findings so we could learn from each other and show our parents what we had found.
At Meynell we ensure that we are consistently teaching online safety by making links across our children's learning.
When teaching computing at Meynell we follow the Sheffield Primary Computing progression of skills
When teaching RE at Meynell we follow the Sheffield agreed syllabus
Please find our year group curriculum overviews for 2018 - 2019
At Meynell Primary we have adopted the fundamental principles of the ‘Learning Challenge Curriculum’, which we have adapted to the unique needs of our school. We believe that this helps our pupils not only acquire knowledge, skills and understanding but also and importantly, a spirit of enquiry. This concept is built around greater learning involvement on a number of levels. It requires deeper thinking as it encourages learners to explore given learning challenges. Our teaching teams then work extremely hard to ensure that our work is as cross curricular as possible and that our learning challenges permeate all areas of the curriculum. These are some of the ‘Learning Challenges’ that pupils will be investigating this year:
- Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?
- What makes the earth angry?
- Will we ever send another man to the moon?
- How could you be the next Jessica Ennis?
Alongside this we use themed days and weeks to excite and engage our children, these include:
Space week
Decades day
Outdoor learning day
Sheffield art day
No pen day
Science Week 2018


Y3 had a great time making crystals with the science teachers from Tapton School
Year Group Curriculum Overviews 2017 - 2018
Working Scientifically Week

Each year group was given a different question to investigate and we displayed our findings in the hall at the end of the week.
Science Week 2016

It was a great week!
Year Group Curriculum Overviews 2016-17
RE Agreed Syllabus for Sheffield
Art Week (24th March- 28th March)