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Meynell Primary School

Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve


Our Voice Matters Debate! Representatives from our school Council members had a great morning taking part in a debate with other children. We got to experience how a real debate in the council chamber would happen. Listening carefully to both sides of an argument and voting on who made the best case.

Year 3- Science Day looking at light!

Road Safety Training

Y4 Fundraising for Castleton. 

We have been selling raffle tickets as part of our fundraising initiative. We would like to thank you everyone who bought tickets from us as we raised £40.30

Y4 Fundraising bake sale!

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who supported us in our fundraising bake sale. We raised a massive £117

Music lessons in Y4 - learning to play the Cornet.

Decades Day

December 2016 the new Dunelm Store opens and we celebrate with them by singing our favourite Christmas Carols.

Children In Need Spotty Day 2016 we raised £295 and had a great day!!

Pyjamas Day October 2016 for the Sick Children's Foundation Hospital - We raised £310!! Thank you for your support!

Meynell children dressed up like a dog for the day to raise money for Support Dogs. We raised £145.50! Thank You!!

The Great Meynell Bake Off April 2016

Meynell Primary School – E-safety

‘Pupils know how to stay safe online’. This is a comment made by Ofsted last year. However, this year’s national theme was all about everyone playing their part. So at Meynell, we decided to have a competition to design badges as a constant reminder to safe online.


The winners were Khyla Crofts from Year 6 and Kayla Daley-Roberts from Year 2. Pupils are proud to wear these and know if they do, they are playing their part in keeping everyone safe.

World Book Day 2016!!!

Wear it Red Day 2016 for the British Heart Foundation!! We raised £340!!! Thank you for your support!

Christmas at Meynell 2015

Children in Need November 2015! We raised £367. Thank you for your support!!

Lucy King and Westie the Dog from Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity came to visit Meynell!!

Whole School Teddy Bears Picnic in aid of Weston Park Cancer Charity.

We raised £274 thank you for your support!!

The Great Meynell Bake Off May 2015

Red Nose Day 2015 Wear a Nose Day. We raised £180

Meynell World Book Day 2015

WEAR IT BEAT IT DAY for the British Heart Foundation. We raised £343.30 thank you for your support!

Christmas Jumper Day 2014 for HallamFM Cash for Kids! We raised £196 Thank you for your supports!

Our wonderful children.
