Foundation Stage 2
We wish you all a fantastic summer, let's hope the good weather continues!
It will be great to see you in September.
Staff in FS2 are:
Miss Hoban
Mrs Mennell/Mrs Churchus
Miss Facey
Miss Bellhouse
Mrs Williamson
St. George's Day
Today the children in FS2 enjoyed learning all about our country's patron saint, St. George.
They listened to interesting facts about him and thought about why people think he was a special man.
"I think he was brave." - Ruby
We found out that he was a Roman soldier and wore special clothes.
"He wears a helmet and a suit of armour to protect him." - Aaliyah
They learnt that people made up exciting stories about how brave he was because they were so pleased that he had come to help them. One of the most famous stories is about how he slayed a dragon!
The children had fun making English flags to wave and celebrate St. George's day.
FS2 Class Assembly
We have been learning lots of new things in Maths. We thought it would be a good idea to share some of them with the parents and children during our class assembly.
We have been learning to do careful counting and have even started to combine two groups of objects and find the total.

Some children have been using objects and Numicon to help them say and write number sentences.
Some children made a HUMAN number sentence!!

To finish our assembly Miss Bellhouse's maths group performed some number songs that they have been learning. They taught us the actions so that everyone could join in!
Do you know the song 5 little spacemen? How about singing it to a friend?

Easter Egg Hunt
The children in FS2 had a suprise on the last day of term! They went outside after dinner and found that the Easer Bunny had hidden some yummy treats for them to find. Everyone had so much fun running round the garden searching in lots of interesting places to find the choclate treats!
Spring has sprung in FS2!
We have enjoyed planting our own plants and seeds in our FS2 garden.
We have been using different tools to help us plant our seeds and bulbs and have had fun using our senses to investigate everything around us.
Can you see the children digging holes? Look! Some children found a new friend. Do you know what minibeast it is?
Chinese New Year
We celebrated Chinese New Year on Monday!
During our Link Provision time some of us had a go at writing some Chinese symbols for our name.
We made Chinese lanterns and enjoyed tasting noodles and prawn crackers at snack time. We even tried using chopsticks! They were very tricky.
In the afternoon we watched a Chinese dragon dance on the internet and then went outside to perform our own.
Can you guess who is doing the dragon dance?
Foundation link provision
In foundation we have introduced Link Provision every morning. We chose an area to focus on and the children rotate around the areas during the week to practise their skills for about ten minutes each day.
We identified that the children need practise in fine motor skills to help them to control a pencil, so......we have been thinking up some exciting ways to motivate the children!
- Cave writing (Upside down, under the table...the boys especially loved this!!
- Making spiders webs by threading colanders with wool
- Turning pages in books
- Making letters by placing small glass beads on a mirror
Our Firefighter Visit!
We have had an exciting morning with the fire engine and the firefighters, asking questions and learning all about their work.
We know that this engine has four ladders and four firefighters, Andy,Andy, Shane and Bob. We learnt that the water comes from a tank in the engine and when it runs out, they pump water from the ground.
We also learnt that the firefighters wear special clothing to protect them from the flames and they wear breathing apparatus to help them breathe in the smoke.
We had a great time and we hope you enjoy our pictures!
Spring One Newsletter
Remembrance Day
We made a poppy to remember the people who died in the war. We looked at some pictures from the internet. Here are some of our comments......
'We made poppies for people who died in the war'
'We have poppies because men died. Soldiers were fighting.'
We managed to sit in silence for a minute....... well done foundation 2.
Our teddy bears picnic
We made our own cheese and jam sandwiches and we had a picnic outside with our teddy bears!
F2 drawings.mp4

A great big welcome to all our new children in Foundation Stage 2
The children has settled in really well. We have spent the week getting to know each other and finding our way around the room. We are getting used to new rules and routines. The children have all been fantastic!