Foundation Stage 2
Miss Park
Teachers 2 Legged Race!
We love to grow plants and flowers!
Local author Wendy Scott came to visit us today!
Learning in FS2
What a wonderful trip to Cannon Hall Farm! Thank you so much to all the parents who joined us to help out for the day. The children had a lovely time and have asked when we can go on another trip!
Just a reminder! Our trip to Cannon Hall Farm is on Wednesday. All trip money must be paid to the office by Monday 29th of April. Thankyou. Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Summer 1, Week 1
This week in FS2 we have been celebrating Easter! For this, we have decorated bonnets, made nest buns and learnt about the Easter story. We have enjoyed it so much!
We hope you have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Come and join the celebration! Our school easter bonnet parade!
Thankyou to all the parents who stayed to make Easter bonnets last week. The children had a fabulous time.
Welcome back!
We hope everyone has had a nice break over the last 2 weeks, we are so glad to be back and so happy to see you all! We are also happy to welcome Miss Park back and very sad to see Miss Swaby go. Miss Swaby has been fantastic and we will all miss her lots!
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Red Nose Day............ We raised £28 in FS2!! Thank you for your donations everyone.
World book Day was fab!
The children had so much fun dressing up as their favourite book characters and enjoyed listening to lots of stories.
We love Maths! A big THANK YOU to all our amazing grown ups who stayed to take part in our maths workshop. We had such a fun time learning and hope you did too.
Dog Day! We raised £23 for Support Dogs by donating money to dress up as dogs for the day.
Today we met Janine. Janine told us all about road safety and how to keep safe when walking near and across roads.
This week we have enjoyed learning the story The Gruffalo. We have made predictions with our talk partners, used adjectives to describe the characters and have talked about he story setting. The children have really enjoyed being authors and writing their own Gruffalo stories!
We are Authors!
Excited to be learning!
Week 11 -
This week we have enjoyed reading Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. We have thought about the characters, setting and plot and also tried using our own adjectives to describe pictures in the story.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Swaby
Week 10 -
This week we have enjoyed settling back in to our school routine after having the Christmas holidays. We have loved seeing our friends again and telling them all about what we have been up to.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Swaby
Welcome Miss Swaby! Miss Swaby will be looking after Class 1 whilst Miss Park is away. She can't wait to have lots of fun and adventures with FS2.
Its the last day before the Christmas holidays and we have loved having festive face paints, glitter tattoos and hot chocolate whilst we have watched the Polar Express. What a treat!
Art Day! We looked at the Sheffield artist Rob Lee. The Lord Mayor Magid Magid came to see our art work.
Week 9 -
This week foundation stage have begun practising their Nativity. We have listened to the story of the Nativity and had lots of fun trying costumes on. We love to sing the songs and can't wait to show all of our parents in a few weeks!
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Week 8 -
This week we have been learning about Diwali, the festival of light. We have enjoyed listening to the story of Sita and Rama. We have enjoyed looking at the colours and patterns on Diva Lamps and even had a go at making our own!
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
We have loved looking at Bonfire Night and Fireworks. Here are some of our beautiful paintings.
Meet our African pet snail called Turdo! We have been learning lots this week about looking after Turdo. We know to use our kind hands, to give Turdo water and that the shell on his back is his home.
Our Autumn Walk
Here we are so proud of our hard work and achievements!
Week 7 -
This week Mr Celik brought a special visitor into our classroom. He had found it in the garden, it was green and loved to jump. It was a Frog! We sat beautifully in a circle to hear all about the frog and we just can't believe that it starts its life as a Tadpole.
We have also been having lots of fun with phonics and maths. Mrs Churchus and Miss Park are so proud of how well we are already writing!
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Week 6 -
This week in foundation 2 we are excited to be taking part in space week. We have been looking at the different shapes in rockets, building rockets outdoors using our loose parts shed and also painting and decorating rockets at the creative table. Mrs Churchus and Miss Park showed us a video of real astronauts living in their 'rockets' in space, they had to live there for 4 months! Some of us are aspiring to be astronauts when were older, so that we can have our very own rocket!
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
We love using our loose parts shed outdoors. Today we built a spaceship! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 .... BLAST OFF!
Week 5 -
In Foundation 2 this week we have been on a number hunt. We are able to notice lots of different numbers throughout the provision and our teachers are helping us to identify quantity. We have also enjoyed reading stories with friends.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Here we are running our morning mile. Our morning mile helps us to keep fit and healthy, which helps us to concentrate throughout the day. When we have finished our jog we can notice that our heart is racing, we are little bit warm and sometimes out of breath. This is because our heart is working hard to pump our blood and oxygen around our body as we are using more energy! The more we practice, the faster and longer we are able to run, so its very important that we do it each day!
We love exploring our outdoor provision!
Week 4 -
This week in reception we have been looking at Autumn. We have been collecting leaves from the garden and looking at their beautiful brown and orange colours. Mrs Churchus brought in some conkers from home and we have been estimating how many could be in the jar. We have also started our morning jog which will help keep us fit and healthy.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
This week we were lucky enough to watch a live theatre performance called The Little Princess. It was all about Sara who was a Princess from India. It was so much fun and we loved joining in with the actions.
Week 1 -
What an exciting start to FS2 we have had this week! It has been so lovely meeting all of our children, new and old, and getting to know their grown ups! We can't wait to share the rest of the school year with you and we hope that you will enjoy your time with us at Meynell.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Week 2 –
We are so happy to have spent such a lovely time this week getting to know our new classes. The children have all settled in wonderfully and have been doing really well in exploring and sharing the resources both indoors and outdoor, with their new friends.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
Week 3 –
This week in FS2 the children have done really well to remember to bring in their book bags. Lots of children have been telling us how much they are enjoying reading daily at home with their grown-ups, which is fantastic to hear! We have also started P.E this week with Mr.Betsworth. If we could remind all grown-ups to label and bring in their children’s P.E kits this week.
Mrs Churchus and Miss Park
What is Phase 2 phonics?
The purpose of this phase is to teach 23 of the letter sounds, mainly the single sounds and move children on from oral blending and segmenting to blending and segmenting with letters. By the end of the phase many children should be able to read some VC and CVC words and spell them. They will also learn some 'tricky words'. Tricky words are words that can’t be sounded out such as: the, to, no and go.
Have a go at these games at home:
Machine - Look at the picture and then match the correct word to it, simple!
Letters and sounds pop - Choose the set of phonemes you want to play with first of all. One of them will show up in the bottom right of the screen and you will hear its sound. All you have to do is click on the bubbles with the required letter, trying to make sure that they fall into the grey catching zone. Every 30 seconds you will get a new phoneme to catch. Only use the first 4 games for phase 2, the rest are for phase 3!
Phonics play- This is a link to the phase 2 menu page on phonics play. Buried Treasure - A game from phonics play. Children have to read the words and then decide whether they are real or made up. Real words go in the treasure chest and made up words go in the bin! The children will have played this many times before so should be experts at it! This is just one game from this website, have a look at the others.
Curriculum News - Autumn 2018
What is Phase Three Phonics?
Children entering Phase Three will know around 19 letters and be able to blend phonemes to read words and segment words to spell from Phase Two.
The purpose of this phase is to teach another 25 graphemes, most of them comprising two letters (e.g. oa). These are called digraphs. They will also learn others comprising of three letters. These are called trigraphs.
Children also continue to practise CVC blending and segmentation in this phase and will apply their knowledge of blending and segmenting to reading and spelling simple two-syllable words and captions. They will learn letter names during this phase, learn to read some more tricky words and also begin to learn to spell some of these words.
It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.
Have a go at the game below at home and don't forget, you can still use 'Phonics Play' and click on Phase 3.
The Dinosaurs Eggs- Listen for the word you need to find and press on the egg above that word. Only choose sounds on numbers 1 - 17 for phase 3.
Phase 4 phonics
Children entering Phase Four will be able to represent each of 42 phonemes by a grapheme, and be able to blend phonemes to read CVC words and segment CVC words for spelling. They will have some experience in reading simple two-syllable words and captions. They will know letter names and be able to read and spell some tricky words.
The purpose of this phase is to consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words.
The teaching materials in this phase provide a selection of suitable words containing adjacent consonants. These words are for using in the activities – practising blending for reading and segmenting for spelling. This is not a list to be worked through slavishly but to be selected from as needed for an activity.
It must always be remembered that phonics is the step up to word recognition. Automatic reading of all words – decodable and tricky – is the ultimate goal.
Useful Links to try at home.
This is a handy tool to use with your child to show them how to form letters correctly.
A handy song to help your child learn their high frequency words.
These songs are the songs we sing in class to help the children remember their phonic sounds and letters that represent them.
Hello to all our returning children and a warm welcome to our new children in FS2. We have an exciting year of learning ahead.
Please take a look at this webpage for information, news and the children's learning. We look forward to seeing you in FS at our future open days and events, watch this space.