Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery)
We have a GIANT Snowman and Christmas Tree. The children have enjoyed painting the snowman and tree as a group. We spoke about the colours we are using and what are snow people make out of? Who has a Christmas tree in their house and what's it like? Once they had dried the children were able to match the coloured balls to the correct coloured hole. The adults help to identify the colours that some didn't know and encourage lots of counting.
CHRISTMAS has arrived at nursery!!!! Here are our Christmas doors. 2-3 is a penguin in the snow and 3-4 is Santa got stuck up the chimney. over the next few weeks the children will be crafting and doing lots of Christmassy bits and bobs. Look out for these at home time.

While the 3-4 children are away the 2-3 children will play!! The 2-3 have had a chance of exploring the older children's play area. The children enjoyed travelling over the hill, down the other side and through the tunnel. They also explored the climbing wall and showed confidence when going up and down the stairs and over the stepping stones.
Over the last few week the children in 2-3's have been reading the story 'The three little pigs' The children have listened to the story being read by an adult, watched an animated version, used props and role-play area to enhance their own story and play. If you have this story at home please sit with your child and read this together, pause in key places e.g "not by the hair on our chinny chin chin" for your child to help you read the story. Happy reading.
Children in Need
Children in Need The Lost Bandana CBeebies StoryBook Storytime
Pudsey and Pudsey - Children in Need 2012 - BBC One
CBeebies: Children In Need - Pudsey's Superhero Dance
Pudsey has got some new moves to show Cat, Alex and Rebecca from CBeebies. Watch and learn the new dance moves and join in. Visit CBeebies at
The children have been exploring natural objects and material within the classroom and also outside. we have looked at the pumpkins and talking about what's inside. The children went on an Autumn walk on the big school field and looked the leaves, berries and found bird feathers. The children loved throwing the leaves in the air and watching them fall.
Nursery 3-4 Home Learning Pack
Now that the 3-4 bubble is at home we have published the "Home Learning Pack" in our "Home Based Learning" zone.
Go to the Meynell Primary School home page and click on the purple "Children" tab.
Then click on "Home Based Learning".
There you will find our "Home Learning Pack" and corresponding videos made by the nursery teachers for your children to watch and enjoy.
We hope you have fun completing the activities and can't wait to hear how you get on.
Don't forget to take photos and tweet @MeynellSchool so that we can see what you've been getting up to at home!
Welcome to Meynell Nursery!!
It's so wonderful to see all of our lovely children and families back at nursery again and we have really enjoyed meeting all of the new children that have started at Meynell Nursery as well!
The two nursery classes or as we are now referred to, "bubbles" have been doing lots of activities helping the children settle in to their new classrooms and getting to know their new friends and teachers.
We will be updating the website regularly with photos from each bubble so that grown ups can see what is happening during the school day.
We will also be adding photos and information to our school Twitter page @MeynellSchool so be sure to give our page a follow and keep up to date your child's learning.
We understand that during this current pandemic grown ups may struggle to pass on messages and chat as easily to the nursery staff as we would normally like to do.
We are limiting the staff and parent contact we have at the nursery gate for social distancing purposes therefore we have set up a nursery email address so that you can communicate with us whenever you need.
Please ensure however, that all urgent messages go to the main school office as normal. Tel. 0114 2311425