Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery)
3-4 room w/b 24.06.19
Wow, what a busy week we’ve had, We have been thinking a lot about transition for some of our children this week as the new parents meetings have taken place for children moving to FS2 in September. Some children from the 2 year old room have visited ready for their move into 3-4 room. We have also been looking at plants and closely at the different leaves we have in our garden. We have made patterns in the playdough with the leaves and also used them for printing.
The sensory Room
Gross Motor movement in 3-4 nursery
Summer term week 1
3-4 Room
This week the 3-4 children returned after the holidays, some children told their teachers they had been to the seaside, some had been out for lunch and one had been to the museum. In nursery we have been talking about Easter and Spring and making Easter bonnets for our Easter parade around the school. Some children brought bonnets made at home made with help from their parents and grandparents, they loved fabulous.
Spring 2 week 5
3-4 room
The children have been developing their phonics skills and have been playing lots of games listening out for the initial sounds in words. The children are making great progress and some are now able to identify the sound at the beginning of their name as well as their friends names! We are working on their confidence listening out for sounds in other words that we use in the c-c-classroom!
Spring 2 week 4
3-4 room
The children have been working really hard on their understanding of number. They have been experimenting gathering different quantities in lots of different contexts. They are beginning to recognise some numerals that match a quantity up to 5 and sometimes even up to 10!
Spring term in the 2-3 room
Song of the week in the 2-3 room W/C 25.03.19
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!
One for the master,
And one for the dame,
One for the little boy
Who lives down the lane
Thank you said the master,
Thank you said the dame,
Thank you said the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
Song of the week W/C 11th March 2018
2-3 year old room
Four little foxes playing in the wood
Four little foxes playing in the wood
One ran fast just to see if she could
She ran too fast and she stubbed her toe
That little fox is going back home
Three little foxes playing in the woods
One jumped high just to see if she could
She jumped too high and bumped her nose
That little fox is going back home
Two little foxes playing in the woods
One did a flip to see if she could
She flipped too far and hit her elbow
That little fox is going back home
One little fox playing in the wood
She tried to play alone just to see if she could
She got too scared so you know how this goes
That little fox is going back home
Song of the week 2-3 room W/C 4th March 2019
This Little Piggy
This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed at home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
But this little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went
‘Wee, wee, wee’
All the way home!
(Holding up different fingers on one hand each line)
Spring 1 week 6
3-4 room
This week the children have been enjoying the warmer weather outside. They have been thinking about the daily weather and talking about the changes that they have seen in the garden as the weather warms up. The children have been learning about the concept “little” with Concept Cat and have been using the word in their play. We have been talking about our families and thinking about the different people that are important to us in our lives. Some of the children have drawn pictures of their families which are now displayed on our Family Board in the classroom.
Song of the week 2-3 room W/C 11/02/2019
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed
(Repeat all the way down to one little monkey jumping on the bed)
Monkey |
Bed |
Doctor |
Head |
Spring 1 week 5
3-4 room
This week the children have continued exploring the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have been learning about “under” from our new friend, “Concept Cat”. The children have also been practising their counting skills. They have been doing lots of 1:1 counting and finding the matching number for the amount. The children have also worked really hard with their phonics. Listening out for the new sound “m” and finding objects that start with that sound. Fantastic learning this week, well done!
Spring 1 week 4
3-4 room
This week the children have really enjoyed exploring the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have loved learning about the different characters and joining in with the words that they know. “Who’s that trip trapping over MY bridge?” They have loved finding out that the story is set in the mountains and retelling the story, taking it in turns to be the evil troll that lives under the bridge!
Rhyme of the Week w/b 04.02.19 2-3 room
Old Macdonald had a farm
And on his farm he had a cow
With a moo moo here
And a moo moo there
Here a moo, there a moo
Everywhere a moo moo
Old Macdonald had a farm
Key words 2-3 room w/b 04.02.19
Cow |
Pig |
Sheep |
Farm |
Nursery Fun
Key words for week beginning 28.01.19 2-3 room
purple |
orange |
black |
Rhyme of the week, week beginning 28.01.19 - 2-3 room
Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue
Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue
Purple, orange, brown and black
Red, yellow, green and blue, green and blue.
(Sung to the tune of head shoulders knees and toes)
Spring 1 week 3
3-4 room
This week the children have been counting to 10. They have also been practising their one to one counting and looking at the matching number.
Rhyme of the week - 21.01.19 - 2-3 room
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going to the moon.
Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
We’re going very soon.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1,
Blast off.
Key words for week beginning 21.01.19
2-3 room
moon |
rocket |
astronaut |
Spring 1 week 2
3-4 room
This week has been fantastic! We are welcoming two new members of staff to the 3-4 room; Mrs Bone who will be teaching in the classroom when Miss Hoban is working as Nursery manager and Mrs Smith who some of you may know from the 2-3 room. If you have any questions related to your child or their learning please speak to any member of the 3-4 room team and we will be happy to help.
Spring 1 week 1
3-4 room
Happy New Year from all of the Meynell Nursery Team! It has been so lovely to see all of the children and hear about what they have been up to over the Christmas holidays. We have also been welcoming some new children into our 3-4 classroom. Some children have transitioned up from the 2-3 room as well as some new completely new starters to Meynell Nursery so we would like to say a big hello and well done for settling in so well in your new classroom. We are really excited to get to know you all and share some exciting times at nursery together.
Autumn 2 week 7
3-4 room
This week the children performed in their “Christmas Sing” and they were just amazing! All the nursery staff were so proud of them and how well they coped performing to so many grown-ups. We think you’d all agree that they were real superstars!
Autumn 2 week 6
3-4 room
This week we have continued learning about and celebrating Christmas. The children have been having a go at writing their name in their Christmas cards. They have worked really hard at holding their pencil properly and practising making marks on paper. It was also our nursery Christmas party day! The children looked fantastic in their party clothes and had a lovely time playing party games and dancing with their friends and enjoyed taking home their Christmas party bag at the end of their session.
Autumn 2 week 5
3-4 room
This week has been very busy at the creative table in nursery. The children have started making their Christmas cards and calendars to give as presents to their grown-ups. We have been talking about the Christian festival of Christmas and how people use this time to think about others and try to be kind. It was also our “Christmas Workshop” where parents and carers are invited to stay in the nursery session and join in with some fun Christmas activities with their children. It was a real success and both parents and children had a great time!
Autumn 2 week 4
3-4 room
This week has been Parent’s Evening week and what a lovely week it has been! It’s been great meeting lots of our children’s parents and carers and having the opportunity to have a proper chat about how your children are getting on and being able to celebrate their progress and achievements!
The children have started practising some new Christmas songs in preparation for their Christmas sing on 19th December. They have loved joining in with the singing and dancing along with the actions. We think the performance is going to be one to remember!
Autumn 2 week 3
3-4 room
The children have been exploring a new number this week, the number 3! We have been thinking about what it looks like, finding out what 3 children looks like, discovering which children in our class are 3 years old and making a list of some different places that you might see a number 3. The children have really enjoyed exploring the number and are practising counting to 3 out loud and with objects!
Autumn 2 week 2
3-4 room
The children have been working on their PE skills this week. They love their weekly PE sessions with Alex so we decided to have fun making obstacle courses in the garden. The children were really brave when they walked over the balance beam and even helped each other by holding their friend’s hand to keep them steady. Great team work! The courses got more and more difficult with children adding new challenges to the course. Great work nursery!
Autumn 2 week 1
3-4 room
The children have had great fun this week talking about bonfire night. They have remembered some of their own experiences of watching the fireworks with their families and have been describing what their favourite fireworks looked and sounded like. BANG, POP, WHIZZ! We also had our first nursery “Stay and Play” session where parents and carers can visit the nursery classroom and see some of the activities that the children do. It was a great turn out with some fantastic feedback! Thanks for your support.
Autumn 1 week 8
3-4 room
The children have loved bringing in their autumn bags this week from home. They have enjoyed sharing stories of their autumn walks and have been learning some new seasonal words such as pine cone, acorn and conker!
The children have really enjoyed exploring what is inside a pumpkin. Scooping, scraping and squishing the slimy seeds. It was so much fun!
Autumn 1 week 7
3-4 room
The children have enjoyed exploring our autumn tray in the classroom. They have been looking at different natural objects and talking about their appearance. The children are going to take home “autumn treasure bags” this week and see if they can collect some autumn objects of their own.
Autumn 1 week 6
3-4 room
The children have enjoyed playing outside this week. They have been observing the changes in the nursery garden, watching the leaves turn to different autumn colours.
Parent information FS1 3-4 room
Please note, if your child has been absent they may have missed important letters that have been sent home from school and nursery.
In order to ensure all parents/carers are receiving this information, staff will put letters with children’s names on them, in labelled folders, in the 3-4 nursery entrance for you to check upon their return to nursery.
The folders are on the shelves underneath the parent information board marked with the different sessions that your children attend.
Many thanks,
Miss Josie Hoban
FS1 Class Teacher and Nursery Manager
2 year old's just want to have fun!
Creating masterpieces...
Being Mummy...
And being best friends!
Autumn 1 week 5
3-4 room
The children have been singing lots of nursery rhymes this week. They have also enjoyed learning some new ones as well. One of their favourites is Incy Wincy Spider but the actions can sometimes be a bit tricky. They have also been learning some new number songs during group time counting to 5 and 10!
Autumn 1 week 4
3-4 room
This week the children have enjoyed experimenting with different materials on the creative table. They have been drawing pictures, sticking different media together with glue and tape, practising their cutting skills with scissors and painting at the easel. What creative kids we have! Have a look at the children’s work displayed in the classroom; it’s on the washing line and on the display boards.
Autumn 1 week 3
3-4 room
This week has been lovely for the children and staff because we’ve had the pleasure of meeting lots of new children starting at nursery this week. The children already at nursery have been excited to meet their new friends and have shown real kindness towards them when showing them different areas of the classroom, helping them find their coats and put them on and find teachers when they need some help. What kind children we have in our nursery!
Autumn 1 week 2
3-4 room
The first full week back has been very busy. The children have enjoyed dressing up in our home corner with lots of new and interesting fancy dress costumes and accessories. They have been using their imagination to create characters and roles for each other and have really enjoyed exploring this area of the classroom together.
Autumn 1 week 1
3-4 room
Welcome back to all of our children and families! The children have been getting back into the routines of nursery this week and meeting the new staff in the setting. We are really looking forward to this new academic year and seeing the children progress!
What is phase 1 phonics?
Phase One of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children's speaking and listening skills and lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in Phase 2. The emphasis during Phase 1 is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.
Phase 1 is divided into seven aspects. Each aspect contains three strands: Tuning in to sounds (auditory discrimination), Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing) and Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension).
It is intended that each of the first six aspects should be dipped into, rather than going through them in any order, with a balance of activities. Aspect 7 will usually come later, when children have had plenty of opportunity to develop their sound discrimination skills.
Aspect 1 - General sound discrimination - environmental
The aim of this aspect is to raise children's awareness of the sounds around them and to develop their listening skills. Activities suggested in the guidance include going on a listening walk, drumming on different items outside and comparing the sounds, playing a sounds lotto game and making shakers.
Aspect 2 - General sound discrimination - instrumental sounds
This aspect aims to develop children's awareness of sounds made by various instruments and noise makers. Activities include comparing and matching sound makers, playing instruments alongside a story and making loud and quiet sounds.
Aspect 3 - General sound discrimination - body percussion
The aim of this aspect is to develop children's awareness of sounds and rhythms. Activities include singing songs and action rhymes, listening to music and developing a sounds vocabulary.
Aspect 4 - Rhythm and rhyme
This aspect aims to develop children's appreciation and experiences of rhythm and rhyme in speech. Activities include rhyming stories, rhyming bingo, clapping out the syllables in words and odd one out.
Aspect 5 - Alliteration
The focus is on initial sounds of words, with activities including I-Spy type games and matching objects which begin with the same sound.
Aspect 6 - Voice sounds
The aim is to distinguish between different vocal sounds and to begin oral blending and segmenting. Activities include Metal Mike, where children feed pictures of objects into a toy robot's mouth and the teacher sounds out the name of the object in a robot voice - /c/-/u/-/p/ cup, with the children joining in.
Aspect 7 - Oral blending and segmenting
In this aspect, the main aim is to develop oral blending and segmenting skills.
To practise oral blending, the teacher could say some sounds, such as /c/-/u/-/p/ and see whether the children can pick out a cup from a group of objects. For segmenting practise, the teacher could hold up an object such as a sock and ask the children which sounds they can hear in the word sock.
The activities introduced in Phase 1 are introduced in nursery and are intended to continue throughout the following phases, as lots of practice is needed before children will become confident in their phonic knowledge and skills.
Hello to all our returning children in nursery and a warm welcome to all our new starters. We hope you'll be very happy with us . We have an exciting year of learning which we hope all parents and carers will join us for.
Remember to keep checking our web page for further news, information and dates of future events.