Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery)
3 - 4 Room Newsletter
Maths workshop
Here are some pictures from our nursery maths workshops!

Many thanks to all the parents and carers who attended the Bedtime Story workshop. We felt it was a great success and the children loved learning alongside you. It was great to see so many of you taing part and enjoyinh learning with your child. Thank you to all the parents who gave us feedback on the event, we will be repeating this again soon.
Our children and parents enjoyed our bedtime story workshop, coming to nursery in their PJs and having hot chocolate, cookies and lots of snuggly stories! We hope you enjoy the video.....

A Massive well done to all the staff in Foundation staff for achieving the Sheffield Charter for Quality in the Early Years award.
Thank you for all your hard work and commitment to our children.
Mrs Tewson
Our latest newsletter
Our baby topic at nursery!
We have been learning about babies and families in the 3-4 room. We had a visit from two mums with their babies, Grayson and Josie. Then, our children's centre infant feeding support workers, Cat and Hazel came to talk to the children about caring for babies and we practised some baby massage on the dolls! We hope you enjoy our short video!
Babies at nursery

REAL project Library Bus Visit, January 2016
As part of our REAL project, we had a visit from the little library bus. We listened to some stories and sang songs with our parents and carers. We registered to join the library and loved looking at books with our friends.
Our rhyme of the week in the 3-4 room is......Heads, shoulders, knees and toes!
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Sticky Kids
This term in nursery we have started a programme called 'Sticky Kids'. Sticky Kids develops children's Physical Development and Health and Well-being. It also helps children develop their social and creative development and the development of their communication, language, literacy, numeracy and understanding of the world.
Sticky Kids is a fun and easy way to help the children to
- move with confidence
- move and control co-ordination
- show awareness of space, themselves and others
- recognise the changes that happen to their bodies when they are active
- handle objects with increasing control.
Nursery Newsletter - 2-3 room.
Welcome to all our new children and their families!
We welcome all our new children who have started nursery this week in both the 2-3 room and the 3-4 room. We hope they will settle well over the next few days and weeks as they begin their learning journey with us. The staff will try hard to make sure your child is happy and well cared for and will work with you as parents and carers to help them settle.
As we understand how hard it can be to leave your child for the first time, we have prepared a small bag with some items to help you enjoy an hour or so 'Me time' while we care for your child.......Enjoy!
Thank you to all the parents who came and joined in with our Christmas sing. The children worked really hard learning the actions and some of the words to our songs.
Our parent christmas workshop in the 2-3 room!
We found some footprints in the nursery and a trail of glitter! On the table was a letter from Santa. He had replied to all the letters we posted at the workshop!
Here are some of the things the children said, followed by a slideshow of photographs. Look how excited we all are!
"Who made these footprints? Santa made them!" Tyler
"It's Father Christmas's footprints!" Sydney
"There's baby ones too! Who could have made those? Reindeer!" Billie-Jo
"He's been!" Dylan
"Father Christmas did it!" Emily
"They're really big footprints!" Isaac
"I know who made them....Santa!" Rhys
"That's a big footprint!" Zeki
"And I think he's got a big tummy!" Olivia
"It's a letter from Father Christmas" Sydney
"How do you think Santa got in?" Rhys
"I wonder if he's gone outside, back to his sleigh and fell asleep!" Abigail
"He might have made a line with the reindeers and gone in the football room!" Billie-Jo
" Do you think the glitter came out of Father Christmas's sack?" Rhys
What do you think?.............
Nursery Rhyme Time
This morning we had fun with some of our parents at nursery rhyme time! This takes place every Wednesday at 11am and again at 3pm. Please join us!
Christmas Songs
In the 3-4 room we are learning some Christmas songs for the 'Sing' and we thought you might like to help your child practise at home, so ..... here they are!!
Nursery Rhyme Event for the REAL project
Some of our nursery children and their parents / carers are taking part in the REAL project in nursery. We started with a nursery rhyme session, making our own nursery rhyme boxes to keep our special puppets in. We sang some rhymes together and made a rocket puppet to go with our new rhyme 'zoom zoom zoom!'
Toothbrushing Club
We have started a toothbrush club for all the children who have their lunch at nursery!
We launched this with a coffee morning for parents when Julie from NHS dental care came to talk to parents and staff about caring for young children's teeth.
Did you know that you can find a NHS dentist in Sheffield if you type NHS choices into google!
Below are some pictures of the children learning about caring for their teeth with Julie and some pictures of their first toothbrushing sessions.
Library Bus
The library bus came to visit at lunchtime so we went on board to share a story and sing some songs! we all received a free story book to take home and a registration form so we can join the library with our parents and carers.
Outdoor fun in the Nursery garden

WOW! Just look at our new outdoor learning space. We are so excited, and can't wait to see the children learning and having fun outdoors.
The children in the 3-4 year old room will have Sheffield Wednesday Community Programme staff to teach PE every Friday, please could you ensure all jewellery is removed if your child attends on Fridays.
Thank you
A big welcome back to all our nursery children and a special big welcome to all our new children. We all hope you will be very happy here.
If you have any questions or worries please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the team.